Every Drop Counts Poster Contest 2019
All Kindergarten through Fifth Grade students participated in the annual Miami Dade County Every Drop Counts Poster Contest. This year, the students were to depict their message through a super hero theme. With the help of their Art Teacher, Ms. Valentina, posters were complete and submitted.
From about 1,200 submissions from 41 different elementary schools, our school had the honor of being awarded 3 winners.
First Place Winner: Jayla Padilla (5th Grade)

Honorable Mention: Roy Santos (4th Grade)

Honorable Mention: Janiyah Davis (3rd Grade)

Our First Place Winner, Jayla Padilla, will attend an awards ceremony on May 21st! All student artwork will be displayed throughout the month of April in the Steven P. Clark Government Center.
GREAT JOB, boys and girls!