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After School Clubs

After School Clubs are designed to provide students with an opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities that are not available in the standard curriculum. All clubs are lead by It's A Small World Elementary School staff. Clubs run for a one hour periods on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3pm-4pm.
Clubs run year round. 
Step Club

Ms. Marianna's Step Club is a great way to get moving! Stepping is a form of percussive dance in which the participants' entire body is used as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken works, and hand claps.


Meetings: Monday, 3-4pm

Step Club is open to Kindergarten. 

Origami Club

Ms. Mayra's Origami Club is a club dedicated to the craft of origami.  Students will learn and teach others how to fold origami and share this unique art form.  Students will discover a new or already enjoyed leisure activity that can also improve spatial learning. 

Meetings: Monday, 3-4pm

Game Club is open to First through Eighth Grade. 

Technology Club

If you are interested in photography, art, print and computer graphic design, social media, web design, or just helping to insure we have a fantastic yearbook this year, join Mrs. Martinez, Ms. Valentina, and Mrs. Jackie's Technology Club! Come and help us capture the moments and memories of the 2019-20 school year at Small World!

Meetings: Monday, 3-4pm

Technology Club is open to Middle School students.


Ms. Rose's STEM club gives students experience with four subjects and offer a wider range of activities and real-world experiences. The goal is to increase critical thinking skills of each student through hands-on projects and challenges.  Students work in teams to explore a problem presented to them.

Meetings: Tuesday, 3-4pm

STEM Club is open to Fourth through Eighth Grade. 

Art Club

Ms. Valentina's Art Club offers students the opportunity to express their creative side. Weekly projects will be completed from painting, to crafting, drawing, and creating fun masterpieces. A weekly donation of $3 per student is required. 

Meetings: Thursday, 3-4pm

Movie Club is open to First through Eighth Grade.

Book Club

Ms. Silva's Book Club will offer our young authors and illustrators to team up to create masterpieces that will be published when complete. Students will join in on brainstorming, writing the story, drawing the pictures, and sharing ideas. 

Meetings: Thursday, 3-4pm

Book Club is open to First through Eighth Grade. 

Movie Club

Ms. Cruz's Movie Club is just what it sounds like – a group of people who come together to share their love of movies and the big screen. A weekly donation of $3 per student is required. Additional donations may be requested throughout the school year.   

Meetings: Friday, 3-4pm

Movie Club is open to First through Eighth Grade.

Community Outreach Club

The Community Outreach Club is dedicated to exposing its members to the needs of our community and our world. We will work together to incorporate outreach projects monthly and educate our members to crucial world issues. 

Meetings: Friday, 2-3pm

STEM Club is open to Middle School students. 

Game Club

Mrs. Smalling's Game Club is a student group for people interested in board gaming to get together and play competitive, co-operative, and recreational board games. Our goal is to provide an open and friendly environment for playing games, and meeting folks. Amateur, expert, or just a little curious, everyone is welcome to bring and play any board game.

Meetings: Friday, 3-4pm

Game Club is open to First through Eighth  Grade.


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